+49 3656 4567 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 12 Main Street Pt. Hamburg Germany
+1 2223 4567 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 4th Avenue Kingston St. New York
+1 8887-3342 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00 55th Floor Paulsson Bd. SF
ISO 9001:2008
The Best
#1 in Quality
Number #1

Pigment Dispersion for Detergent And Soap

Pigment Dispersion for Detergent And Soap

MEGH AMI PD PS binders free fine pigment colorants based on non-ionic and/or anionic wetting and dispersing agents specially recommended for use in manufacturing of Soaps, Detergents, Shampoos and liquid soaps etc .

MEGH AMI PD Imparts Excellent Colour, Strength and reproducibility of brilliant shades. These pigment dispersion for Detergent and colourants are completely non hazardous, Non toxic and are absolutely Eco-friendly .

MEGH AMI PD being pre dispersed, do not required any further dispersion and con be freely mixed/stirred in any media to achieve full colour reproducibility they are also freely miscible with each other in all ratios to produce/give secondary shades as per your requirements